Smart Outlet

This page describes my version of a smart socket for home automation.
The device can be toggled via the button on the enclosure or a wireless signal.


Pictured below is a scetch of the concept of the project.
As well as an electrical circuit.

The MDF enclosure is cut out with a laser cutter. The base of the design is generated via Holes have been added to the base so that the cable, socket, LED and button can be mounted.
The button is printed with a 3D printer, the bottom part of the button is extended by 2mm on each side (4mm in total), so that it stays in place.

This is the final electrical circuit that was used, which is made in Fritzing. All hardware components (minus the power supply) are incorporated in this circuit. A red LED is used as an example appliance that can be toggled.

Pictured below is a model of the design in Tinkercad, the button will be printed in 3D and the housing will be cut out with the laser cutter. The black cylinder represents the power cable.

Front view.
Side view.
Back view.

Box cut out.
3D printed button.

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Domoticz is used as a controller, which completes the smart outlet project. View the demo below.
© 2024 Rick van Vonderen